Legal notice
According to § 5 DDG:
many ways out - Andreas Beyl
Kurmainzstraße 1
74389 Cleebronn
Phone: +49 7135 9368573
Fax: +49 7135 9368574
Email: info(at)
Owner: Andreas Beyl
Tax ID: DE293256856
Responsible for content according to § 55 RStV: Andreas Beyl, Kurmainzstraße 1, 74389 Cleebronn
Online dispute resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution at that consumers can use to settle a dispute and on which further information on the subject of dispute resolution can be found.
Out-of-court dispute resolution
We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board in the event of a dispute with a consumer.